Practical tips, stories, and more to simplify your motherhood journey

As a mom of 4 and family photographer of 20+ years, I’m here to help with tips, tricks, and specific recommendations for parents in the Niagara Falls, Ontario region.

Whether you’re expecting, a new mom, or a parent of young children, pour yourself a cup of tea and relax while you read.

Baby, Studio Reflections Baby, Studio Reflections

Why You Shouldn't DIY Your 6 Month Baby Milestone Session

Your time is so precious as a new mom. I want you to spend that time with your sweet baby. There’s a time and place for DIY, but a milestone session isn’t one of them. You can find lots of articles and YouTube videos on how to create a space in your home, but that will take you hours to teach yourself and prep. I’d hate for you to take all that time and not be happy with the results. This is the perfect opportunity to trust a professional to capture this important milestone. I’d love to share six reasons why you shouldn’t DIY your baby’s six-month session.

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The Reflections Booking Process Revealed

Long before I pick up my camera, you and I dream about your future portraits and how we’ll lovingly display them in your home. My booking process is about building the foundation for a long-lasting partnership. I’d love to share Reflection’s 4-Part Booking Process with you. This way, you’ll know exactly what to expect after you hit “send”!

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Niagara Photographer, Maternity Reflections Niagara Photographer, Maternity Reflections

The Myth Of Being Photogenic For Your Portrait Session

Not being photogenic is actually a good thing. Have you ever looked at someone else’s beautiful maternity photos and thought, “Wow, well, she’s very photogenic, and I’m just not.” The truth is that she probably felt the exact same way before her photo session. I hear from mamas (and their partners) all the time that they would love to have professional maternity portraits taken but worry that they’re not photogenic enough.

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Niagara Photographer, Newborn, Baby Reflections Niagara Photographer, Newborn, Baby Reflections

How We Make Sure Hubby Enjoys the Portrait Process

Does your husband dread family photos? He’s far from alone. I believe your husband can truly enjoy the portrait process and actually have fun during it. I believe it because I’ve seen it happen over and over again during my portrait sessions. Here’s how we make sure your husband enjoys the full-service portrait process from start to finish.

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