Support, stories, and more for your motherhood journey.
Hey there! Welcome to our blog, your cozy corner where we dive into all things family, newborn, maternity, and baby photography. Being an experienced professional photographer in Ontario, I share practical tips, insights, and plenty of inspiration tailored for expecting mothers, new moms, and parents of Niagara Falls, Grimsby, and nearby areas. But wait, there’s more! My blog is not just about photography – it’s all about building a supportive community for new moms and parents, offering resources, encouragement, and a whole lot of virtual hugs. So grab a cup of tea, get comfy, and join us on this beautiful journey of family and community.
Oh What Fun!
If you are not having fun during your annual family portrait sessions, then, my friends, you are not doing it right! Fun is a must have during all Reflections of Life sessions. Fun brings out real emotion and expression, smiles and laughs. Fun creates the memories that we want to last a lifetime.
Why Asking For Help Is So Powerful
Recently my family went through a very difficult time. We've been torn apart, and I don't know if we'll ever be able to rebuild what we've lost. At first I kept most of it to myself, but now I realize that being able to talk to my close friends, and asking for help, has made a huge impact on how I'm dealing with it all.
The Story of Love
The story of love is one with many different main characters, settings and languages. But the central theme in every variation is love, sweet love. Each version is filled with laughter and smiles, kisses and snuggles. It is the story that warms your heart and touches your soul.
Mama and Me
If you are a mama, you understand. You understand the pure, fierce, undying love for your children. If you are not yet a mother, I promise you this, the moment you hold your precious baby in your arms for the first time, you will understand. One of my greatest joys as a photographer is capturing the love between a mama and her babies.
In Your Daughter's Eyes
As mothers, we need to put aside our own insecurities. We need to be confident in ourselves and let ourselves feel as beautiful as we are to our babies. We need to get in more pictures so we can preserve more memories for our little ones to look back on.
Looking Up
When you have a big brother, you spend a lot of time looking up. After all, for a long time he towers over your. Especially when he is five years older than you. But even at 1 year of age, Weston already looks up to his brother Anderson far beyond the literal sense.
Your baby's first year is filled with firsts. The firsts of every holiday. The first smile, first rollover, first crawl, first foods, first steps. Each milestone reached fills your heart with pride, joy and a little sadness. For with every passing milestone, your baby is a little closer to growing up.
Life is a series of connections. Some connections take time to build and strengthen. Others are solidified in an instant. When a new baby arrives, those instant connections are overwhelming. A fresh life has the innate ability to connect with each new person he meets. His mama and daddy, of course.
Through Their Eyes
As parents, we are blessed to be able to see the world through the eyes of a child again. Every age and every stage brings a whole new way that our children look at the world around them. There is beauty and wonder all around us, and children have the wonderful ability to see it all.
Through the Haze
The days and nights start to melt together, while at the same time stands still every moment you are with your new love. Her big brown eyes look into your soul. She may not be able to talk, but you know her voice.