Photographer interacting with toddler in a bright room, holding a camera, next to a potted plant and wooden toys.


Practical tips, stories, and more to simplify your motherhood journey

As a mom of 4 and family photographer of 20+ years, I’m here to help with tips, tricks, and specific recommendations for parents in the Niagara Falls, Ontario region.

Whether you’re expecting, a new mom, or a parent of young children, pour yourself a cup of tea and relax while you read.

Five ways to turn your photography session into art

When we capture the milestones of our family's journey, we give ourselves a chance to pause and reflect. It reminds us of the beauty of our family when we flip through an album, share a card, or glance at our living room wall. Your photos are meant to be printed, not to live in a digital album. Here are five ways you can turn beloved family photos…

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Never Forget

Never forget the feeling…the feeling of fire that roared through your heart when you found out you were expecting. Never forget the feeling of pure joy that soared across your husband’s face when you whispered it to him, or the feeling of bliss when you felt her kick for the very first time. Never forget the feeling of anticipation as you prepared…

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Thank You For An Amazing 2018!

What an amazing 2018! A very special THANK YOU to all of the amazing people who trust me with their family photography, documenting their children as they grow. Here's a little slideshow of our best images from this year, can't wait to make more memories in 2019! We’ve had a TON of super happy clients this year, and you’ll find their…

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The Honour Of Being Your Home

One of the most beautiful gifts I have ever been given is the honour of being your home. For nine months, I got to be your home. I got to be the place that you snuggled into and were safe. I got to protect you from all of the elements of life and cover you in every single way. I got to feel you grow…

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Simply By Being Here

This little one graced the planet with his presence. In all his love and all his simplicity, he is divinely created and perfectly here. In the very rise and fall of his chest, with every breath, it reminds us still. That he is perfectly here. That he could have been born anywhere and at anytime, but today, he is here…

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Why Are Older Brothers & Sisters So Important?

Being a big brother or sister isn’t just about age or doing things in a certain order or at certain times. Being a sibling is bigger than numbers and bigger than dates. It's a bond that starts from the very first breath. It is seeing who can run faster, jump higher, talk louder. It is making one another laugh so hard…

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I Pray That You'll Never Lose Your Wonder

Stay curious. No matter what the world throws at you. Resist that feeling that starts on the inside of your soul sometimes. the one that tells you to hide or to cower or to stay under the covers instead of facing this life. Rather, keep your sense of awe. Guard it like it is treasure because that is exactly what it is…

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Perfectly Made, Perfectly Loved, Perfectly Known

Baby girl, every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top. Sometimes in my mind, I imagine God creating you. I imagine the love that blew out of His heart in every single step. That when He stepped down to breathe life into your lungs, He did it with a lump in His throat because of how much He was in...

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What Is Lifestyle Newborn Photography?

Candid photography is raw. It is uncut moments in time. It is a person getting on the bus. It is a split second where someone is doing something in their natural environment and not posing for a camera. It is not perfect photographs featuring perfect posing and lighting...

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My Love For You Is Forever

Baby, sometimes I wish I could take a moment and glimpse into how you see the world. I wonder how everything looks to you. I wonder what you’re thinking when you see me come into your room at night and how it makes you feel when I rock you to sleep. I wonder whether there are things you want to...

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Childhood Innocence

There is an innocence when you come face-to-face with a baby. You can see it like a song singing through their eyes. It is almost like a purity weaved through every single breath and every flutter of the eyelashes. It is almost like when we meet these little lives that become one of the greatest gifts we ever know, they come out as this brilliant and explosive light.

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Why I Love Lifestyle Newborn Photography

True beauty is not found in the moments that are posed and forced. True and exhilarating beauty is found in the unbridled and raw moments. You know the ones; the laughter that comes from deep within, the look on your four-year-old as she asks you a question, the love found in your husband’s eyes.

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