You're So Beautiful
A Letter To My Newborn Baby
"There are these moments that when you’re sleeping, I sit back and watch you breathe.
I watch your chest rise and fall ever so subtly as your lungs fill with breath and then release. I watch as your eyelids almost seem to flutter like rest is chasing you down and how you squirm just so as if you’re just getting comfortable. I watch you move and imagine that maybe you’re dreaming about slaying dragons or running fast or maybe you’re just dreaming of colours, of love, of us.
Do you know that you’ve never looked so beautiful?
And see the thing is baby, that you’ll always have this. No matter the day, no matter the situations you face, no matter the joy or the suffering, sleep will always catch you. And your chest will always rise and fall as you sleep. And your eyelids will always fight against rest but it will always win.
And sometimes you’ll dream and sometimes you won’t. But as you feel your lungs fill with breath and exhale, remind yourself that you’re here on purpose. And as you feel sleep take over and you wake up ready to take on a brand new day, remind yourself to play as hard as you work.
Because I promise you baby, everything about you and everything about this life is precious and it is beautiful."
About This Newborn Portrait Session
When little Cairan was born he was 7 lbs 12 oz of absolute cuteness. Just 10 days old here, he's rapidly growing and somehow becoming even more sweet and wonderful. He didn't sleep for his A Star Is Born session, a program that I run with the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital, but he was content just the same. I'm so happy for Aimee and her family. He enjoyed being swaddled in white bamboo blankets by little unicorn and loved being held by his beautiful mama.

"The minute I walked into the studio at Reflections of Life Photography it gave me a warm and cozy feel and Karen put's the icing on the cake with her soft nature and expertise when capturing great images of my little guy! THANK YOU Karen for the pleasant visit and taking the time to photograph my new baby on the A Star is Born Wall at West Lincoln Memorial Hospital!" - Aimee Hilson