The Day My Life Changed Forever
How It Feels To Be A Mama
The day my life changed forever was the day I found out I was about to bring you into this world.
I remember how my heart beat fast in my chest in anticipation. I remember images of your ultrasounds flashing in my mind and how I had pictured your little feet every time I felt you kick. I remember that as we got ready how there was this rushing, this flurry, this excitement mixed with unpreparedness.
There was this unpreparedness because we would never be prepared for how much you would change our lives, how much beauty and joy you would bring into the world, how much your presence would completely expand my heart.
I remember the first time I saw you, it was like I could feel my heart growing faster than lightening inside my chest. And when they laid you on top of me, it was like fireworks bursting inside.
You were here and you were beautiful.
Nothing prepared me for the way I looked at your Dad and we shared this knowing that you were the biggest treasure we’d ever found. Nothing prepared me for the moment your bright eyes looked up at my own and held their gaze right there. Nothing prepared me for the feeling of your flesh upon mine and the softness of your skin as I ran my finger across your cheek. Nothing prepared us for the first time we got to call you by name.
And as family came and held you in their arms and whispered sweet words of celebration over you, I am thankful we had that moment.
That moment where it was just you and me.
That moment where our eyes finally met after all these months.
That moment where I fell in love.
That moment where I knew one thing:
You’re amazing. You're just amazing.
Love Notes About This Newborn Portrait Session
This is the sweetest little baby girl you'll ever meet, Evelyn Rose. Her mama Ashley decided to participate in A Star Is Born, a program that I run with the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital. During our time in the studio together she was curled, sleepy and simply lovely to hold. She enjoyed being swaddled in my supersoft white bamboo blankets by little unicorn and held by her beautiful mama. xo

"Karen was so welcoming and her studio is so peaceful and beautiful! Loved my time with her and our photos are stunning! They will be greatly treasured." - Ashley Zeller