Photographer interacting with toddler in a bright room, holding a camera, next to a potted plant and wooden toys.


Practical tips, stories, and more to simplify your motherhood journey

As a mom of 4 and family photographer of 20+ years, I’m here to help with tips, tricks, and specific recommendations for parents in the Niagara Falls, Ontario region.

Whether you’re expecting, a new mom, or a parent of young children, pour yourself a cup of tea and relax while you read.

Baby Reflections Baby Reflections

Perks of Outdoor 6-Month Baby Photography

I don’t think it’s a secret that I just adore the six-month baby milestone sessions. This milestone is so precious because your sweet, snuggly, sleepy newborn is now a chubby, mobile, and smiling baby

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Baby Reflections Baby Reflections

The Perks of a Baby Studio Session

Cherish each of your baby’s milestones without any of the stress of planning. As moms, we put so much pressure on ourselves to make sure everything is perfect for our children. We want to make sure that everything is taken care of for them so they never have to worry.

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Baby, Motherhood Reflections Baby, Motherhood Reflections

7 Ways to Slow Down and Enjoy Motherhood

Motherhood is a journey, and we get to choose the pace. If you’ve ever wished you could slow down time or felt like time with your child is just going by way too fast, this is for you. I’m not a parenting expert, but as a mom of four, I’ve learned a few things along the way. 

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Baby Reflections Baby Reflections

Why Mommy and Me Six-Month Baby Sessions Are the Best

Mommy and me six-month milestone sessions are oh-so-sweet. After the blur of the newborn stage, you and your baby enter infanthood. Your sleepy, snuggly newborn is suddenly more awake and active. By six months, you’ve made it half a year raising your baby. Both of you have grown so much over since the birth, and this milestone deserves to be documented.

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Family Photography Through The Seasons

It’s been a beautiful season of fall family photography here at Reflections. Here is a glimpse at one family’s journey with me through several different seasons of their life. What Season is Your Family In? I have a question for you: If you were to give this chapter of your family’s story a title, what would it be? Would it be about big changes? Or…

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