Practical tips, stories, and more to simplify your motherhood journey
As a mom of 4 and family photographer of 20+ years, I’m here to help with tips, tricks, and specific recommendations for parents in the Niagara Falls, Ontario region.
Whether you’re expecting, a new mom, or a parent of young children, pour yourself a cup of tea and relax while you read.
When is it Too Late for Newborn Photography
Your family has dreamed about this moment for months, and now it's finally here. After waiting so long to meet your sweet baby, the day finally arrived. You’ve gazed in awe, soaking in all ten tiny fingers, ten tiny toes, that impossibly cute nose.
Benefits of a Studio First Birthday Photography
Can you believe it? Your sweet baby is turning one. This is a milestone worth celebrating! Many parents want to document this special occasion with a first birthday photography session. First birthday portraits are so much fun.
Are 6 Month Baby Photo Sessions Worth It?
You’ll never regret pausing to document this moment. The first six months with your baby are exhausting and filled with so much love. You’re learning how to take care of this sweet baby and find yourself as a parent along the way.
The Intangible Benefits of Documenting Milestones
Let me support you during your baby’s first year. Watching your baby grow is one of the most incredible experiences you’ll have. Each milestone they reach is more exciting than the last, from their first smile, giggle, sitting up, to walking. That first year with your sweet baby will fly by faster than we like.
The Magic Of The 6-Month Milestone Session
A lot happens between your baby’s newborn portraits and their first birthday. Let’s hit the pause button and celebrate your baby’s half-birthday, along with all the cuteness that comes with it. By documenting your baby at six months, you’ll be able to hold onto these memories for the years to come.