5 Promises Every Parent Should Make To Their Child

When clients come to me for photo sessions, I always encourage them to talk to each other during the shoot. As a result of going a little deeper, you’re left with images that are even more meaningful. They’re about more than what you look like, more than shadow and light, more than a gorgeous location, they’re about love and remembering those feelings you shared.

The result is images that remind you of those promises you made to your child, and the wishes you have for them throughout their life. If you’re searching for a way to take all of that love, and truly remember how it felt, connect with me.

In the meantime, as you look down at that baby belly of yours, or into the eyes of your newborn, here are five promises you can whisper to remind them of how loved they are.

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1. I will guide you

I'll teach you what it means to be a kind person in this world. To do my best and apologize when I mess up. I will be a good role model, not a perfect one, but a real one.

2. I'll respect you and who you choose to be

I will listen to your thoughts and views on the world. I may not always agree, but I will respect your opinions because I respect you, as a person.

3. I will let you make mistakes

Failing is a part of life, and I'll be there to help you pick up the pieces when you do. I'll let you explore and experience the world just like I did. You will learn lessons from life, and that is sometimes hard but necessary.

4. I'll love you unconditionally

There is nothing you can do that will make me love you more. You don't need to pretend to be someone you're not. You don't need to change to deserve my love. It's already yours, and it always will be.

5. And one day, I promise to let go

I pray that this day is far away, but when it comes time to say goodbye and you're on the next chapter of your life, I'm not going to hold you back. God's got a plan for you, and I'm excited watch it unfold. I can't wait to hear your stories, to laugh with you and comfort you. To think about the amazing person you've become.

Theodore's Album Design

Hi there, I'm Karen Byker from Grimsby, Ontario, Canada. I'm obsessed with newborn baby yawns, giggling kids and fancy flavoured tea.

I'm a mother of four that understands the overwhelm of the every day, but I've learned how to embrace and enjoy the beauty of it. I believe we should be able to enjoy this life we chose.

I've been a professional photographer since 2005. I've helped hundreds of mamas to slow down, pause and use photography as a reminder to take a breath.

I'd love to talk with you about documenting the beauty through your chaos. Let's chat!


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