7 Ways To Speak Life, Father and mother swinging daughter in white studio.jpg

7 Ways To Speak Life

We are given a million messages a day. They are written throughout our faces, our phones, tv shows and in the way we interact with one another. In all that noise, we have a unique opportunity speak into one another. We can pick words, values, truth, hope and honour into each other’s hearts. 

That opportunity is with us and before us every day. But, how do we do it? How can we speak life into one another? How can we use our voices to declare hope into our kids? How can we use one of our greatest God-given gifts to inspire goodness in one another?

We are here, not alone, but together. We are not in this for one another. Let’s see each other and not just talk at one another, but speak into each other.

1. Remind them how much they matter to you.

You know the ones; the ones who are likely in your home, on your speed-dial or fill the frames through out your house. Don’t forget to let them know just how much they mean to you. Tell them how much they’ve changed you or how much you hold them in your heart. We all want to know our significance to people. Give voice to it in your life.

2. When you see bravery in someone, tell them.

It is an incredible thing to watch people be brave. When your little ones get on a bicycle for the first time or when your husband does what he is most afraid of. When anyone steps out in passion, or steps outside of themselves to take a risk, tell them you see their brave and you think it is awesome.

3. Call out their strengths.

When we look at the people in our lives or even strangers sometimes, immediately we can see strengths. We can think to ourselves, “they are really good at that!” Give voice to that. Don’t let those thoughts just stay thoughts, but say them out loud and watch people come alive in that encouragement.

4. Give words to your love.

Become friends with the phrase, “I love you.” Give words, syllables and songs to just how much you love. To those that you love deeply and big, let them know. Intentionally.

5. Use encouragement to give hope.

Encouragement is such a powerful force in the world. It can inspire. It can set people into joy. It can give courage where there is little. It can bring hope where there is none. It can give much, much goodness. Use it to bring hope into the lives around you.

6. Pour out grace on people where they are weak.

We are human. We all have our weak and insecure spots, the places where we feel like just don’t measure up. Pour lavish grace on one another in those very areas. Words like, “me too” and “it is okay” and “keep going” are medicine to the heart.

7. Those who inspire you, call them out.

You know those people who just inspire you to go further, live simpler, love more? Tell them. Love them. Call them out on it.

People are the greatest gifts. Let’s speak life into one another in our midst.

About this Family Session

Rachel is a Jesus lover, loving wife to Craig and mama of two girls, Dahlia and Iris. You can find her here on Instagram posting all about the wonders and trials of motherhood and daily life.

In this family shoot, Rachel wanted to capture a snapshot of what their family looks like in this season. This blog post includes about half of the images I've given her. I'd say we reached that goal, what about you? :)


"We enjoyed every aspect of our photo shoot with Karen. Her care and attention to detail was evident each step of the way: from our first meeting to the day of our photo shoot. We especially loved that we received guidance on what to wear for our photo shoot and that she provided hair and makeup services to ensure we looked our very best and felt confident. Thanks, so much Karen! We had so much fun!" - Rachel Symons

Karen Byker Professional Photographer Grimsby Ontario Canada Square (2).jpg

Hi there, I'm Karen Byker from Grimsby, Ontario, Canada. I'm obsessed with newborn baby yawns, giggling kids and fancy flavoured tea.

I'm a mother of four that understands the overwhelm of the every day, but I've learned how to embrace and enjoy the beauty of it. I believe we should be able to enjoy this life we chose.

I've been a professional photographer since 2005. I've helped hundreds of mamas to slow down, pause and use photography as a reminder to take a breath.

I'd love to talk with you about documenting the beauty through your chaos. Let's chat!


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