Why Moms Need To Be In The Portraits


Mom, you are the center of your baby’s world.

You are the person your child loves the most. So, why is it that moms are the least photographed member of the family? There are many reasons, including that moms are the memory keepers of the family.

Sometimes, mamas can be the hardest on themselves and their appearance, which holds them back from being in photographs. No matter what the reason is, I want to encourage you to be in the photos. While there are reasons moms tend to shy from being in photos, I can come up with an endless list of reasons why you should be in them. Here are just a few.

outdoor maternity photoshoot near Grimsby ON
mom and dad waiting to meet their new baby
black and white image of a mother during maternity portraits
expecting couple waiting to meet their newborn
mom and dad with their sweet newborn son during portrait session

5 Reasons Why Mom Should Be in the Photos

You Can Trust Your Photographer - The truth is that mamas are so hard on themselves. They want to lose 5 lbs, remove any fine lines or wrinkles, whiten their teeth, and on and on before being in the photos. My advice is to find a photographer you can trust. I welcome my clients to share any concerns with me before their session. I always capture you in the most flattering light, but knowing your concerns will help me serve you even more.

Mama, what if I told you that you are perfect just the way you are right now? It’s true. Your children think you’re absolutely perfect, and I agree with them. They’re not going to look at portraits with you and pick apart your appearance. They’ll just love the images they have with their mom.

mom and dad holding their newborn son
mom holding her newborn son in the studio
newborn portrait taken from a distance in the studio

Documenting Motherhood - Documenting motherhood is more than a portrait with you and your child. It’s about capturing the real, candid moments of love and fun between the two of you. Your portraits will show you just how much love you and your children share. Our children grow so fast and these portraits will allow you to always look back and remember each sweet moment.

mom holding her newborn son close during newborn portrait session
sweet newborn boy smiles up at mom during newborn session

Memory Keeper - Usually, moms are the family memory keepers. Moms are the ones taking photos to capture every moment. This means that mom is usually the one behind the camera and not in front of it. This is your opportunity to take a break as the memory keeper and leave it to me. You deserve to be part of the preserved memories which is why including images of mom with her children is so important to my work.

family of three during newborn portrait session
newborn boy gently posed during his session
close up of sweet newborn during studio photo shoot
wide awake shot of a newborn baby boy
close up of sweet newborn face
sweet sleeping newborn
baby yawn during newborn photography session

You Won’t Regret These Photos - I’ve been photographing families since 2005, and I’ve never had a client tell me they regretted being in the photos. In fact, I usually hear that they regret not taking them sooner.

mom holding her son close during newborn photo shoot

Do It For Your Children - If I still haven’t convinced you to be in the photos for yourself, then do it for your children. Some day (a long time from now), all your children will have are photos of you. Professional portrait artwork will be their treasured heirloom to remember you by.

mom with her newborn son
mom holding her sweet newborn son
mom holding her baby close
mom holding her newborn son

Niagara Motherhood Photographer 

As a portrait photographer and a mom myself, motherhood photography is important to me. I want to be able to preserve these precious memories for you without adding anything to your to-do list. With full-service photography, I take care of everything throughout the portrait process so that you just need to love on your family. Does this resonate with you? Just send me a message here to start the conversation.If you have any questions for me or want to schedule a time to chat, please click here.

newborn son holding his mom's finger during studio session
gently posed newborn during studio session
newborn photo session
mom snuggling her newborn son

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