Time Is A Mystery
What Really Matters
Time is a mystery. In one glance, you’re wanting to rush the seconds that make up a minute, so that you’ll get to the moment you’ve been waiting for, and in the next, you’re holding the hand of your son, wondering how he grew up so fast.
Time is slow and it is fast, all at once.
And time is a gift; it is one of the biggest gifts we’ve been given. We’ve been given moments to do whatever with them that we will – that choice has been left to us. And we’ve been given minutes, hours, days, years with people. People who love us, who change us, who push us, who inspire us.
Have you ever noticed that sometimes the most beautiful thing is just to sit with someone you love? And even if no words are said, it is a treasure to just sit with them. That even in the sitting, there is this truth that gets spoken inside, that you’re loved and surrounded and not alone.
And those are the pictures and photographs that I hold the closest to my heart. Not the ones where I am posing and practicing my biggest smile and facing the camera, but ones that have been captured of me sitting with those I love the most, chatting and enjoying life.
Because to me, those aren’t just pictures, but reminders of just how connected I really am. How connected I am to people and the treasure that God has put in my life through human flesh, heart and bones.
About This Newborn Portrait Session
Rebecca and Brian are brand new parents of little Wyatt Peter. He wasn't sleepy at all at his session, but we got amazing images of him, just as he was, in all his newborn perfection.
Wyatt likes to keep his hands by his face and adores being held. I definitely see some similarities between him and his cousin Declan, who I've photographed as a newborn as well.
Wyatt's session was peaceful, memorable and adorable, just like him. xo

"Karen is amazing - she is not only professional, but she has a clear passion for what she does and the families she works with. Right from the beginning she makes you feel comfortable about the process and has a good balance of directing where she thinks the photo session should go and including you to ensure that your vision for the session is also incorporated. I highly recommend Reflections of Life Photography for anyone who is looking to get professional and quality shots done of their family." - Rebecca VanBenthem