Keep dreaming. Close your eyes and get a vision for your life of what you want it to be, what story you want it to tell, what song you want it to sing.

Remind your soul of why you’re here. Get to know the answer to the question of why you were made.

And every single day, tell that back to yourself. Your life has value. You are on purpose. Dream bigger than you did yesterday.

About This Sweet Family

So happy to welcome Sebastian back to the studio in Grimsby, Ontario. Check out his previous family session. He’s now three years old and introduced me to his new little brother Eli.

At two months old, we were able to get so many images of Eli’s sweet personality. The way he looks up to his big brother already is adorable.

Their mama, Cassandra, wanted images that were simple and felt natural. We accomplished that and so much more.

Their photos will be displayed in a beautiful album and a wall gallery as well. Check them out at the bottom of this blog post.


Wall Art Options

I love to show my clients examples of how they can display art in their homes. Each time I reveal my client’s images for the first time. I show mock-ups in their space. Here are three I did for Cassandra.


View Their Album Design

This is the album design that will grace their home in just a few short weeks. Cassandra and I designed this together, to make it exactly what she was hoping for. xo


Want to shop the studio wardrobe?


Hi there, I'm Karen! I am obsessed with newborn baby yawns, giggling kids, and jumpsuits. I'm a mama of four who understands the busyness of everyday life and I've learned how to embrace and enjoy the beauty of it through lifestyle photography. I know what it’s like to look back on my children’s first years and feel like they flew by so quickly. I don’t want any other mamas to forget what their baby’s little fingers and toes looked like all curled up. My hope is that I can help you create albums and prints to serve as physical reminders of these sweet times throughout your baby’s early years. Contact me for info.


You Are A Day-maker


The Legacy of Photographs