Easy Tips for Including Older Siblings in Newborn Photos

Welcoming a new little one is a special time for the whole family – especially big brothers and sisters! While that fresh baby smell and tiny toes are sure to intrigue everyone, it's understandable if older kiddos feel a tinge of uncertainty about this big life change. That's why as a newborn photographer based in Grimsby, Ontario, I always encourage families in Grimsby, Niagara Falls, and surrounding areas to thoughtfully involve siblings in their newborn portrait experience.

This way, they can build positive relationships and celebrate their new role. Plus, it also produces genuinely heartwarming newborn photos. If you're an expecting parent hoping to seamlessly blend your kids for beautiful family memories, here are my top tips on how to include older siblings in newborn photos!

Pre-Session Preparation

For candid, unforgettable sibling shots, a bit of pre-session preparation goes a long way. Sit down with your older child and explain what's going to happen in calm, reassuring way they'll understand. Let them know things like:

·       They'll get to snuggle and cuddle the new baby

·       We're taking special pictures to celebrate your family

·       Their job is just to be themselves!

Teach older siblings what "gentle" means so they know how to be kind and careful around the baby. Show them how to use soft touches and explain that the newborn is very fragile, so they need to be gentle with the baby.

It's also wise to ensure they're well-rested and have had a healthy snack or meal beforehand. A hungry, overtired kiddo is far less likely to be up for modeling. If possible, have them burn off some energy before the newborn session so they're not overexcited.

Make It a Fun Family Adventure

Kids thrive on experiencing new, novel activities – so let's make your newborn photography session feel like a fun family adventure! Depending on their age and interests, you could let them do their makeup/hairstyle or pick a favourite show to watch during the newborn photo session when they are free.

I'm also a huge fan of incorporating any toys, books, or hobbies they're currently obsessed with into the shoot itself. Just imagine how adorable they'll look snuggled up reading to their sibling, or protectively watching over the new baby's crib with their stuffie sidekick in tow.

Small, Frequent Breaks

Even with preparation, sustaining a young child's focus and enthusiasm for long stretches can be tough. That's why I always break up my sibling-and-newborn sessions into short, 5-10 minute intervals with lots of wiggle breaks and snack opportunities in between.

Forcing them to participate for too long often backfires into eye rolls and disinterest. By working in short bursts though, we can capture those organic, joyful expressions without anyone feeling overwhelmed.

I'm also more than happy to divert everyone's attention between sets with silly games and jokes – whatever keeps the good vibes flowing!

Create a Positive Environment and Go with the Flow

At the end of the day, a newborn photo session revolves around a new, tiny human that your older kiddo may feel uncertain about. It's perfectly natural if they seem hesitant or fussy.

My biggest tip? Ditch any rigid expectations and just go with the flow. Reassure them there's no pressure by offering gentle encouragement, praise for any effort, and reminders that they're so loved. With a positive, judgment-free environment, they'll slowly warm up to the idea of sibling snuggles.

If a particular setting isn't working, we simply shift gears and try something new or give them a sibling break. As long as we stay relaxed and focus on capturing authentic moments, the resulting images will ooze with natural joy and connection.

So if you're preparing to grow your family by one tiny (but life-changing!) addition soon, I'd love to be there to photograph these sacred early moments for you. With some thoughtful planning for newborn photography, a relaxed environment, and lots of feel-good vibes, we're sure to create meaningful sibling portraits overflowing with love, joy and connection. Just as it should be.


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